Thursday, April 25, 2013

Natalie Grace

Our sweet baby girl is going to make her own rules in life we found out today. My last day of work was yesterday, and I planned to use today to relax, get a pedicure and take care of some last minute things. Instead Natalie decided around midnight that I should start having contractions, and by noon I was told to go to the hospital. After an hour of monitoring, so at 2:30 we determined I was in labor, and needed an IV!!
Tyler getting ready to go

Things moved fast from there, and by 3:45 Brandon and grandparents were at the hospital to wish us luck and await Natalie!! Natalie was born at 4:19!! She was the same height as Brandon, 20.5 inches, but 3 ounces more, coming in at 6 lbs, 15.5 ounces.

We love her already, and can't wait to see what a joy she is going to bring to our lives!!

1 comment:

katiejfischer said...

Congrats!! So glad things went well for you. Can't wait to meet her!