Saturday, April 30, 2011

22 Weeks

A lot has been going on, as we are nearing the end of our school years.  Tyler only has three weeks left of school from this Tuesday, and I have four weeks left of school from yesterday.  We are so excited to be finishing the years, as they have been fun but challenging years for the both of us.  A lot has happened this year, in the classroom, and out, and has affected each of us differently.  I love my kids, and wouldn't trade them for the world, but I can't wait for summer vacation!

This week is the first time I actually felt Brandon kick, and knew that he was kicking, or moving!  It is such a crazy experience.  I'll just be sitting here, and all of a sudden, BAM!!  :)  I love this little kid, but I wish he would find a comfortable position.  The kicking I don't mind so much, but I have this muscle below my ribs that I think has been stretched out, or has moved, and it isn't always too comfortable.

22 weeks

We have made a lot of progress in Brandon's room so far.  Last Monday we decided how we are going to lay out our loft, and looked at buying some shelving for the garage for the things we can't part with.  We also bought paint, and Tyler will be painting Brandon's room today!!  I would love to be able to help, but because of the fumes, I must stay away.  We have decided to do a green wall, with the other walls a cream/tan color.  We also already have the crib, and dresser, so once Tyler is done painting, he will be assembling!!  I can't wait to see what the nursery will look like in the beginning stages!!

We are using the top colors on both walls, as the other ones we are afraid would be too dark

Saturday, April 23, 2011

21 weeks...

We went to the doctor's again yesterday.  We just had to go in for our monthly check up.  There we discovered that our doctor will be out next month because she is having a baby.  Tyler said he knew, but I had no idea!!  Now I guess I shouldn't feel as bad when people say I don't look pregnant.  Then again the last couple of times I have seen the doctor it has only been for about five minutes.

We met the doctor that will take care of us next month, since our doctor is only taking four weeks for maternity leave!!  That's crazy!!  Anyways, the guy was really funny, and answered lots of questions for us.  During our ultra sound last week the guy scared us, and told us we might have concerns about the baby.  Our doctor told us to be more worried about global warming, or a nuclear holocaust.  Obviously there are still things to be concerned about, and I want to make sure I'm staying healthy.  Brandon is doing great though, and he had a strong heart beat once again.

We went back to Target last night to try and finish our registry.  We have now registered at both places, and if any thing I just feel even more overwhelmed then before.  There are just so many things to think about, and figure out.  I know we'll get what we need, and that God will provide, but it's still crazy to think that in 19 weeks we'll be coming home with a baby!!

Tyler had a rough week this week, as he got an abscess on his tailbone.  He was in a lot of pain last weekend, and he finally went to the doctor on Wednesday.  My mom asked what is in the water here, since Tyler and I have both gotten weird things since we've been married.  I had to remind her that mine was in Orange County, before we came here!  She is safe, nothing weird in the water here.  (Besides it probably comes from Northern California anyways!)

Tyler spoke at the Good Friday service yesterday at church as well.  Our friend Chelsea came to join us, and it was nice to take that break in the middle of the day to be reminded of the greatest gift we have.  Jesus gave up His life, so that way He could SAVE our lives.  It is amazing that He would do that for us, knowing that we are going to continue to sin day after day.

Today we are just relaxing, and then tonight Tyler's mom and dad are coming over for some BBQ dinner.  Tomorrow we're going to their house for Easter lunch/dinner since it is Tyler's dad's birthday.  It will be fun, and we are even going to try and get them to do a puzzle with us.  (They don't play games like my family does.)  I'm a little sad we didn't make it home since today everyone will be at Aunt Michelle's house for Brooke's birthday, but now Tyler and I get to start making our own traditions, especially with Brandon joining us in the fall.  It will be strange not to be at my parent's house for Christmas this year, but then again, they may not even have a house.

Friday, April 15, 2011

20 weeks

It's been quite a week.  We celebrated Tyler's birthday last Saturday by having a bunch of people come over.  Tyler really just wanted to have fun, so we played some board games, and ate some good food.  Then on Sunday night we went out to dinner with some dear friends of ours here.  It has always been a tradition for Tyler's birthday to take out just a few very special people to us to let them know how much we appreciate their friendship.

Monday we celebrated Tyler's birthday by babysitting CJ for a little bit, while we waited for Katie to get home.  It was a blast, and just reminded me how much I am looking forward to coming home at night and getting to play with my baby.

Wednesday was our big day, the day we went to the doctors!!  It turns out our sweet bundle of joy is a boy!!  Brandon Keith will be joining our family in just a short twenty weeks.  It's so crazy to think that we are already half way through the pregnancy, and that now we get to start buying stuff for our sweet baby boy!!

Brandon didn't want his picture taken (he takes after daddy already!)

Last night at bible study Tyler held CJ, so Katie had to take a picture to celebrate the festivities!  We are pretty sure this is the first time that Tyler has held CJ, and CJ is now over 3 months old!!
Tyler and CJ  (What a great dad he'll be!)

It's been amazing how some people still don't realize I'm pregnant.  I know people say I don't look like I'm pregnant, or that I'm not showing that much, but goodness I feel like I am already!  Last night it felt like my stomach couldn't get any bigger, because the skin already feels so tight.  I know I have a long way to go though, so at the same time I'm grateful I'm not too big already.

Tomorrow night we will both go to our auctions, to raise money for our school.  Tyler never buys anything at his, but I'm pretty excited about some of the things I saw for our auction.  There are a couple of awesome looking baskets for Brandon and for me!!  Plus, I get to make Tyler go register on Sunday, so I'm even more excited for that!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

19 weeks ... almost 20

Things keep going in this crazy world.  Tyler and I have been working really hard at work to make sure we stay on top of things, and I'm trying to get ahead a little bit.  It's nice to finally have some energy back, so I'm taking advantage of it!

Right now I'm coaching volleyball three days a week, and thankfully it was cooler this week.  Last week it was SUPER hot though, already in the 90s.  I can't imagine how I'm going to survive the whole summer!!

Coaching has been so much fun though, and I am reminded every day how much I love my fifth grade girls!  They are more than just my students.  I know teachers don't normally have friendships with 10 year olds, but I would do anything for any one of those girls.  For those of you who know the story, or remember Tia is on my team.  I love her, and her new nickname is Skittles.  Anyways she has really been beating herself up because she knows she's not where she was when we stopped playing last spring.  I keep telling her she is doing an amazing job, and that if we keep working she will be able to serve by the beginning of our fall season.  Well Tia doesn't like to just do what people think, she likes to prove them wrong, and do way more than you ever imagined.  At practice this Wednesday Tia served the ball over the net!!!  We were all so happy and proud for her I even picked her up and swung her around!!!  (Tyler wasn't too happy when he found out, but you know what, she weighs like 50 pounds, no big deal, I'm sure the baby is fine!!)

I know what an influence my second grade teacher had in my life, and I go back to visit her constantly.  I invited her to my high school graduation, college graduation, wedding, and you know she will be invited to my baby shower this summer.  Teachers have such an impact on children, and I love knowing that I get to help these girls grow and become the beautiful young women they are turning in to.  I just pray that as they go through those awkward teenage years we all love, they remember that I love them!!

Enough about my girls, now on to Tyler!!

Monday is his birthday, so he decided he wanted to have everyone over this weekend!!  He's pretty excited to just be able to relax and enjoy some drinks and food with his friends.  I can't believe he will be 29 this year.  It's crazy to imagine how fast time is flying!  I remember the first year we celebrated Tyler's birthday together, falling in love at where else, Disneyland!!  :)
This wasn't our first Disney date, but proof of how much Disney meant to us dating!

Now it is time to go clean my house, and get ready for our friends to come over and celebrate with the old man!  Next year we'll have a huge party, he already informed with, me kegs and everything.  My mom already volunteered to watch all of the babies at the Fischers for us!!  So crazy to think how much our life will be changing!!