Wednesday, December 19, 2012

20 weeks . . . almost 21

Date:  December 19
How far along? 20 weeks 2 days, or 20 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: up 5 pounds (finally done throwing up!)

 Maternity clothes? Still loving my maternity pants.  Picked up a few more shirts.  A mom in my class said she has a bucket for me.  :) She is due in four weeks, so then all get everything she's wearing now too!  Can't wait!

Sleep:  Brandon is gone this week, so I've been sleeping much better.

Stretch marks? Only the ones from B!

Best moment this week: Dinner last night.  I love our friends!

Miss anything: Having a drink after a really rough day at work.

Movement: Every now and then I can feel her.  She is sitting really low compared to Brandon.

  Food cravings: I really want Chinese food every now and then, but Tyler doesn't enjoy it as much.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still staying away from meat.

Have you started to show yet: Oh yes!  It's nice!

  Gender: Girl!!  Yeah, baby Natalie!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time!

  Belly Button in or out? In!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

Looking forward to:  School getting out at 11:35 on Friday, seeing my sister and Grandma on Saturday, hanging out with good friends Sunday night!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Brandon is going to have a little . . .

On Friday Tyler and I went to the doctors for our ultra sound.  We were very excited, as we were going to be finding out if we had a Gus Gus in there, or a Natalie.  We told the lady we didn't want to know, but instead we wanted her to write it on two cards for us.

From there, we took one envelope to a friend from school who made us cupcakes!!  Then we took the other envelope to Party City so they could fill a box of balloons.

Saturday morning we got up to take our Christmas pictures.  Georgia is an amazing photographer, and if you are in the Phoenix area and need photos done, let me know, I will give you her info!

The whole gang

Hathaway Family

Getting ready to find out if we're having a girl or a boy!

Brandon helped us open the box!

It's a GIRL!!!

Our first family picture, knowing it's Natalie!

Brandon loved the balloons!

Daddy kissed Natalie . . .

So Brandon had to too!

We are beyond blessed!

Merry Christmas from the Hathaways!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

18 weeks . . . almost 19

Date:  December 6
How far along? 18 weeks 5 days, or 19 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: up 3 pounds (finally done throwing up!)

 Maternity clothes? I wear maternity pants every day now.  I don't know if I could even put on my normal jeans any more.  I am still switching between normal tops and preggo tops.  I didn't have too many with Brandon either.

Sleep:  It got better, Tyler bought me a pillow for Christmas.  (Yes, a little early)  Lately though I've been up around 2 to use the restroom, and then can't go back to bed until almost 3.

Stretch marks? Only the ones from B!

Best moment this week: This will be Saturday night.  We are having a gender reveal party!!

Miss anything: Being able to sleep all night, but then again I guess I haven't done that peacefully for a long time!  :)

Movement: A little bit.  Can't wait to actually feel Gus Gus in there though!

  Food cravings: Anything that isn't meat!  haha, Still can't really eat it.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat

Have you started to show yet: Yes, even Deka told me today I have a little belly now!  A 4th grader told me I have a hump!  ha ha, I told her it was a bump!

  Gender: We’re calling this baby Gus Gus, until Saturday!!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time!

  Belly Button in or out? In!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Tired

Looking forward to:  Saturday!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

15 weeks . . .

Date:  November 10
How far along? 15 weeks, or 15 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: down 5 pounds

 Maternity clothes? I love them!!  They fit so much better, and at least I look like I’m barely showing instead of hanging out of my pants.  Even though I’ve lost weight, the baby is growing in there and my stomach is expanding.

Sleep:  I can’t do it.  I toss and turn all night.

Stretch marks? Only the ones from B!

Best moment this week: Going to the doctor on Thursday for Gus Gus’s appointment!  Gus Gus was moving around so much and kicking while Deka was trying to find the heart rate!  Then I found out yesterday I passed the glucose test too!!

Second Best Moment:  Going out for date night last night with Tyler!  We went to dinner with friends, and then finally got to go see Pitch Perfect!!

Miss anything: Not feeling sick!

Movement: Not really yet, but I know the baby is moving!

  Food cravings: Not really. Still staying away from red meat.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating!

Have you started to show yet: I think so, or I’m just getting “bigger”

  Gender: We’re calling this baby Gus Gus

Labor Signs: Not for a long time!

  Belly Button in or out? In!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but tired

Looking forward to:  Finding out next month if it’s a boy or a girl!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Life Update

Things are going really well for this right now!! We have been super busy since school started.  Tyler and I both have full classrooms this year, which have been keeping us busy during the work week.  Then when we come home at night we get to spend about three hours with Brandon before he goes to bed.  Lately I've been going to bed around the same time he does, so by 8 o'clock our house is pretty quiet!!

Brandon has been traveling from my parent's house and our house about every other week.  It has worked out great for everyone, because every other week I get to get "caught up" on work, and sleep.  I have been so tired with Gus Gus, and have been so sick compared to when I was pregnant with Brandon!  I thought I was in the clear, didn't throw up for a week and a half, and then this morning I threw up again!!  uggh!!  Can't wait to be done with this!!

Overall, we are doing great, and adjusting to the way life is this year.  It has been an adjustment not having my mom living with us, but it is so great that my dad is here now as well!  Tyler and I are so excited to be pregnant again, well he's excited, and I'm working through it.  :)  It was a little stressful trying to figure out what I was going to wear this time around, as I was the biggest through summer with Brandon, but my staff is amazing and pulled together to give me an amazing gift card so I could go shopping!!  My mom and I went shopping this past week and I was able to get three pairs of pants, two dresses, a nice dress shirt, and a shirt for work!!  I'm super excited to have these new clothes!!

Since I have been so sick with Gus Gus I have been losing weight with this pregnancy, which isn't a bad thing.  Since I had gestational diabetes with Brandon I have to take the test earlier this time with Gus Gus.  Needless to say I am very worried about the test.  I go back to the doctor on November 8, so I have about two weeks left before I'm going to drastically change my diet to try and pass the test.  I would appreciate all prayers during this time, because if I "fail" then it's going to be a really long pregnancy.  Right now I just eat what I can to make sure that I am getting something, and not getting sick.  If I have to go on this crazy diet again, and so much earlier, I don't know what is going to happen!

In good news though, we got Brandon's Halloween costume from Kohl's this year!! Not really a costume, but a cute outfit none the less.  We have trunk or treat this Friday night, so look for pictures in the near future!! Sorry for being so absent on updates as well, but thanks for putting up with me!!

Love you all!!

Cassandra, Tyler, Brandon and Baby Gus Gus

Brandon's first birthday!!  He's soooo big!

12 weeks . . . up to date!

Date:  October 21
How far along? 12 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: down 4 pound

 Maternity clothes? I have not worn any for the past week, but my dad made me a maternity tank top (thanks pinterest)  My mom and I also went shopping last week to buy some things thanks to my awesome co-workers for an amazing gift card!

Sleep:  Was up at mom and dad’s this week, so didn’t sleep very well.  Brandon’s crib is in our room at their house, so I heard every peep he made!

Stretch marks? Only the ones from B!

Best moment this week: Hanging out with Brandon all week!!  Spending time with my mom and dad!!  Working on Bradnon’s baby book!!  I need to get caught up before Gus Gus gets here!

Miss anything: Being able to eat whatever I want!

Movement: Way to early for this!

  Food cravings: Not really. Still staying away from red meat.

Anything making you queasy or sick: This morning we took a detour on the way home from church and the twisty roads didn’t make Gus Gus too happy.  Had to have my dad drive faster through the neighborhood so I could make it to the bathroom in time.  L

Have you started to show yet: I think so, or I’m just getting “bigger”

  Gender: We’re calling this baby Gus Gus

Labor Signs: Not for a long time!

  Belly Button in or out? In!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but tired

Looking forward to:  Brandon coming home on Friday!

9 weeks...a little late

September 30 (9 weeks, 4 days now)

Date:  October 2
How far along? 9 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: up 1 pound

 Maternity clothes? None this week, but I can’t wear any of my work pants that button any more.  They are way too uncomfortable!

Sleep:  Tossing and turning still, just wish I could get a good night’s sleep!  Last week I went to bed one night at 7:30!!  That was awesome!

Stretch marks? Only the ones from B!

Best moment this week: Hanging out with Brandon!  Having him give “Gus Gus” a kiss!

Miss anything: Not being nauseous all of the time!

Movement: Way to early for this!

  Food cravings: Fruit!  I bought strawberries, bananas, raspberries, and apples this weekend from Sprouts!

Anything making you queasy or sick: I bit into a granola bar after work today, and then had to go throw up!!  Last week it was right after church, and then again at the Krieger’s house!

Have you started to show yet: I think so, or I’m just getting “bigger”

  Gender: We’re calling this baby Gus Gus

Labor Signs: Not for a long time!

  Belly Button in or out? In!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but tired

Looking forward to:  Fall Break in a week and a half!  Taking naps!

6 weeks .... a little late

Date:  September 12
How far along? 6 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: down 1 pound

 Maternity clothes? Wore a shirt I bought this summer, just to try it out!!  OF course, I don’t know how long it will last with a baby in the belly!

Sleep:  I have had some restless nights, but just getting up to go to the restroom a lot!

Stretch marks? Only the ones from B!

Best moment this week: Getting a video from grandma and grandpa of B walking!

Miss anything: Not being nauseous all of the time!

Movement: Way to early for this!

  Food cravings: Yesterday I really wanted a Taco Bell Bean Burrito!!  YUMM!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Reading in the car, or just driving some days

Have you started to show yet: Not yet

  Gender: We’re calling this baby Gus Gus

Labor Signs: Not for a long time!

  Belly Button in or out? In!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but tired

Looking forward to:  Picking up B Friday night so we can spend the weekend together!

Fall Decorations

This year for Halloween I wanted to add some Brandon decorations!!  So that is exactly what I worked on during Fall Break!!  Brandon loved helping me make this cute decoration too!

Started by painting a canvas all black

I had to paint B's foot white to make the ghost

He wanted to watch as I put it on the canvas

White foot on the black canvas

Added some eyes!

Added some orange dots, and the word Boo!  Can't wait to hang it in our house!

Picture Update...first

For Brandon's one year photos we had the beautiful Carlee take his photos again!!  She tooks his newborn pictures as well, and she always does a great job!!  We were so happy with the way they turned out!!

In early September we found out the great news that Brandon was so excited to share!!

Brandon loves to help daddy do laundry!