Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Minor Meltdowns

Tonight we had another meltdown festival. I don't know why Brandon fights it so much, but he does. 

After dinner we were playing Mario Party 8. He wanted to play, and even picked out which game he wanted to play. In the middle of the game he turned the Wii off. (Yes, he uses a remote that has power.)

He was then upset because I told him we wouldn't start all over again.  Meltdown #1.

Then I told him it was time for a shower. You would have thought I told him it was time to give away all of his toys.  Meltdown #2.

Then we didn't want to take off our clothes to get in the shower, we didn't want to get in the shower, continued fighting, I don't want to, again and again.

Finally I walked away and Tyler took over.

We got B showered, in a diaper and in bed. No toons, no stories, not even milk. He is now laying quietly in bed as I sit here and type this. I know he is beyond tired, I just don't know why he fights us so much on going to bed. I wish I could go take a nap right now, or even go to bed this early, but you should see the pile of papers I brought home tonight.

Time to go tackle them, and hope this kid goes to sleep soon!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Brandon is BATMAN!!

I love that Brandon's teacher takes pictures at school this year!  These make me so excited!!

He decided himself this morning that he wanted to wear this, the shirt, and hat!  This is not our normal Monday outfit, but he's so cute how could I say no!?!  Plus, look, he has a twin!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

I CAN do all things - with less!!

I was sitting in church this morning with no kids!  Let's take a moment to be amazed at that!!!  The church we went to this morning, the Heights in Prescott, has somewhere for both of my kids to go!!  Brandon was in a threes class, and Natalie is right across the lobby in the nursery.  Someone even mistook her for a two year old!!

I love going to the Heights.  I know this is something that I need, and a place where I need to worship.  I love parts of both of the churches that we attend here in town, but I LOVE all parts of worship when we are at the Heights.

Today the sermon series was on God is Good!  We are hit and miss with what sermons we get to hear because we are not there every weekend.  Tyler is required to attend Christ 80% of the time, and I have to attend Shepherd 50% of the time to maintain Brandon's discount.  You do the math on that one.

Ron was preaching this morning, and I could listen to him for hours!!  How many of you have read the following scripture from Philippians?

I just did a Google image search for Philippians 4:13 and it is amazing how many results you will find!  I am VERY familiar with this verse.  I even have my students memorize this verse!  I love all of the different ways that this verse is represented.

Now, how many of you have gone back and read this verse in context!?  I can honestly say that before this morning, yes I'm sure I've read it before, but never looked at it the way that Ron shared it with us this morning.

I am BLESSED with so much!  I have a roof over my head, I have TWO cars in my driveway, I have food in my fridge, I have babies sleeping in their beds right now, and I have clothes to wear.  I have WAY MORE than I could ever need, but to me most of these things feel like things I have to have!

Ron talked this morning about how so often we confuse what we need, with what we want.  I even teach this idea to my students, and still even this morning I was telling the lady who was helping me check Natalie into the nursery for the first time why we are there only every other weekend.  How amazing it is that we ARE able to be there every other weekend!  I am BLESSED that I have parents who give anything to help me support my kids!  I am BLESSED that I have in-laws who are willing to watch my kids every other week, and on weekends when we want a date night.  I am BLESSED to not HAVE to pay for childcare.  I am BLESSED to have my beautiful children!

I have WAY MORE than I need!!  I have a closet full of clothes, some that I don't even wear.  I have a closet full of shoes, some that I have only worn once or twice.  I have a fridge full of food that I sometimes throw away because we don't eat it all before it goes bad.  I have a lap top and a desktop computer.  I have hundreds and hundreds of movies, access to the Internet, DVR and Netflix!!  Really, who has that much time during their day!?!

I have a kitchen full of dishes, plates, cups, silverware, serving utensils and other gadgets that I rarely use.  I have a closet full of games, puzzles and cards that we hardly ever play with.  I have book cases and bins full of books that I haven't read, or that I have read.  My kids have shelves and bins full of toys, some that they never play with.  My kids have closets full of clothes and shoes.  We have a garage over flowing with Christmas decor.

Do I love my stuff, of course!  Who doesn't!?!  Do I need it all!?!  NO!!  I don't need the newest pair of Toms that are going to be on sale on Zulily tomorrow (even though I really want to shop the sale.)  I don't need another maxi skirt, I already own five.  I don't need another tank top, I have a drawer full!  My kids don't need another t-shirt or pair of shorts.  My kids don't need the cute Dusty plate we saw at the Dollar Spot, even if it is 70% off and 30 cents.

This Christmas we are beginning the 3 present idea.  I am really excited about this, and can't wait to only give my kids 3 presents.  We are not a family in need.  Sure, I might complain that we don't have enough, but guess what, God has ALWAYS provided for us!!  We have never been without water, electricity, water or a warm (or cool) place to sleep.  We have never been hungry.  We are BLESSED beyond our wildest imagination!

I am hoping that by starting the 3 present idea so early with my kids it will show them how blessed we are!  We don't need piles and piles of presents to be happy.  Those things will quickly be forgotten, and they will want the next best thing any ways.  I hope to use this as a way to share how much we have, and how we can share with others!

When I came home from my parent's today I quickly went to Brandon's room to begin going through his stuff.  We went through his shirts and were able to find about six more that he doesn't wear, or he has outgrown.  We have already started our new pile of clothes for Hans and Otto.

I can't wait to go through Nat's clothing and start sorting piles of her stuff to be able to pass on.

I even went through my closet last week to start pulling out those pieces that I haven't worn in the last year and that need to go.

Less is MORE!!  We can be a family that doesn't need to impulse buy, do a quick run to Target, or buy that extra bag of chips at the store just because it is on sale.

I want to be content with what I have now.  I want to be content with the blessings that God gives me!  I want to be content even when I feel like I need more, but know that God will provide for me!  I want to be more like Paul.

I leave you with my new favorite song.  They sang this at the Heights a few weeks ago, and they sang it again this morning.  Thankfully we have this on a CD by All Sons and Daughters. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Happy Birthday Brandon!!

I can't believe it has already been three years!

Three years ago I was working in my room, getting ready for the first day of school.  Today I am sitting in a hospital in St. George, Utah.

Three years ago I had no idea what my life was going to be like, and what the first day of school (the next day) would hold!  Today I wonder what next week will look like as Brandon, Tyler and I all have our first days of school.

Three years ago I never knew how blessed we would be by our little man!  Today I am so thankful for not only an amazing, gifted, challenging little boy, but also a beautiful princess!

Happy birthday to my little man!  Here is our invitation that we made to celebrate his birthday!  Even though the date is now wrong, we are still going to celebrate next weekend!

Friday, June 13, 2014


We've made it to Vegas!!

On Monday we were blessed to spend the day with Matt, Katie and CJ!! Then Joe and Chelsea came over to join us for dinner!!  It was great to see the boys playing!

Natalie was able to play with the boys too!!

Tuesday we spent a lot of time outside! We took the kids to Rainforest Cafe for breakfast. We thought it would be fun, but Brandon was afraid of the animals!!

After breakfast we went to the "castle" that Brandon wanted to see.

We went back and played at the splash pad and took turns taking naps!!

For a late lunch we headed over to Gordon Ramsey's burger place. It was really good, but very pricey.

After our meal we took the kids back to the splash pad to play with grandma and papa. Brandon was out there for over an hour! He loved it!!

After we got the kids to bed I was able to go have dinner with Chelsea. It was so nice to be able to spend time with her and catch up. I miss her!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Saying Goodbye to my girls!!

My end of the school year was a hard one.  I had so many mixed emotions about this school year ending.  I love teaching, and I love third grade.  I had really contemplated, talked about, and thought about switching grades this year.  I even told my administration that I would be open to moving, but I am in third grade again next year.  It’s not that I don’t want to be there, but I am ready to work with someone, and be able to collaborate, and bounce ideas off of someone.  I love the TPT, IG and blogging world for just this, but it’s so nice to be able to plan with someone!

I started teaching third grade at my current school in 2008.  My school goes from preschool through eighth grade. This also meant that this year’s graduating class was my first class.  I know that we aren’t supposed to have favorites, but this first class was AMAZING!!  The girls in this class have been more than just past students.  I have not only taught these girls, I coached them through two school seasons, one preseason, and two YMCA seasons of volleyball.  Please keep in mind that I have never played volleyball in my life!!  These girls made coaching fun though and kept me on my toes.

I have gone through A LOT with these girls. When they were going into fifth grade one of the girls was in a very tragic plane accident.  It was the year I was supposed to have her little brother, and the accident took both her brother, and her mom.  I visited this student while she was in the hospital, when doctors told us that she would never be able to walk, or talk again.  I am proud to say that she is a MIRACLE!! She was back in school before Christmas of that year, and graduated with the Light of Christ award!  She is not only an inspiration, but one of the nicest people I know!

I have had many dinners with the families of these girls.  One family had me over for dinner every week until my son was born in 2011!  Not only did I get to eat some amazing food at these dinners, but I also got to spend quality time outside of school with this girl, her older sister, and her parents. I know they support me, and would back me.

We have also gone through some of our friends moving away, and even moving to different states!  It is amazing the bond that these girls not only have with each other, but also with me.  We have kept in contact all the way from Pennsylvania, and we make plans every time she comes back!

Every year our school has an auction, and as teachers we donate something to be auctioned.  The teacher items typically go for a lot, as kids enjoy spending time with us.  For the past six years I’ve been able to hang out with these same group of girls, as they have always won my day! The girl who won my day this year is the girl who moved away to Pennsylvania too!  It was so amazing, and we were so lucky that she was able to come back for the last month of school to graduate with her class. 

Graduation and the last day of school were super hard.  The dad of one of the girls made the end of the year video, and it was amazing to see pictures he was able to find from the past six years of the girls and I to put in the video.  One of the girls gave the graduation speech this year, and she left me teary-eyed as well!  Then when we had to walk out, and give all of the graduates hugs or handshakes I just kept on crying!!  I love this class! 

These girls have been my morning hugs, mid midmorning laughs, lunch time hellos, and afternoon pick me ups.  When I return to school in August I won’t see them carrying books down the hall to class any more, or hear their laughter from another classroom.  I won’t have my morning hugs, or the friendly smiles.  I am going to miss these girls more than they know, and can’t imagine going back to work without them.

My class this year was AMAZING!!  I was able to spend a lot of time at lunch with the kids in this class, and am hopeful that as my first class is leaving, I will be reminded of the amazing relationship I’ve built with other kids over the past six years as well.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Happy Summer!!!

I can't even believe that our school year is already over and we are in our summer break already!!  Where did this year go!?!!

We have had our first few days of summer, and we are loving them!!!

Our first swim of the summer!!
Nat likes cartoons for about 10 seconds, and is then done with them
We tried to take Nat in the pool for the first time, she wasn't a fan!
Brandon had fun playing at the ENT doctor while we were in the waiting room
We leave for vacation on Monday, and we are so excited to be on the road to California!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sleeping baby

This is my favorite part of my day!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Funny Picture

This is one of my favorites from yesterday!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Cake Smash

Here is a sneak peek at what we did today!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Missed this!!

I missed my cuddle sessions the past two weeks!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

End of February already!?!

I can't believe how quickly this calendar year is going already!!  It is the middle of February, one week left, already!?!  Where did this month go!?!

There has been so much going on since the holidays.

In January Brandon decided to get sick, really sick!  He was home for about a week with an ear infection.  My mom took him home with her, and he got better.  Then when she came back a week later, he got sick again!!  This time just with a runny nose, coughing, the fun stuff.  He got better again, and THEN two weeks ago he got really sick AGAIN!!  He came home from school on Tuesday and had some stuff coming out of his eyes.  When he got up Wednesday morning his eyes were swollen, and there was tons of gunk coming out of his eyes!

Bubba loves his puzzles!!
Nat of course wasn't doing too hot either, so I called the doctor.  I took both kids in that afternoon and sure enough, EAR INFECTIONS!!  Brandon had two, and Natalie had one.  We started Brandon on antibiotics right away, and it is amazing how quickly the medicine helps that kid!!  Nat is too little to take medicine, so none for her.
Hanging out at the doctor's office, wouldn't even know she was sick!
Both kids still have this lingering cough though, but they are getting better.

This past week I had to go in and have a little operation completed.  It has now been about ten days, and I can say that I am finally feeling better.  Let me tell you, my mom was so excited to have both kids home sick from school, and then me after this operation.  I am glad that it is over with though, and I am praying that it will NOT come back.  Deka said she tried her best, but the tube was so long she wasn't able to get it all out.

Tyler and I were able to sneak away for Valentine's Day and that was a treat!  It was so nice to be able to sleep, and just sit and do nothing all day.  Plus, being the weekend following my operation, it was nice to be able to recover without having to worry about taking care of the babies too!!

This past week was Teacher Appreciation week for me at school.  The parents always do an amazing job!!  They served us amazing lunches all week.  We got hand made cards, tons of candy, a plant and our doors were decorated.  It was an amazing week!  Plus, we were able to eat with our staff!  I love this week, and I always feel so blessed to teach at SOTD during this week!

Natalie left today to head up to my parent's house, so it is going to be a hard two weeks without her at home.  I miss her already, and hope that she is sleeping well for my parents so far!!

Hanging out at church with grandma and mommy

Tuesday afternoon at school, driving his car

Thursday, February 6, 2014

7 - possessions

I am reading 7 by Jen Hatmaker right now for bible study. This book is amazing, and if you haven't read it yet, you should!!

Here is what she said in the beginning of chapter three.

I challenge you! For the month of March, can you find 7 things in your house to give away!? Can you find things you have that you don't know why you have? Our goal is 210 items, and clothes can only count as 49 items, even if you give away 200 items of clothing!!

I can't wait to do this one, as I am preparing for chapter 2 clothes, and just finished chapter 1-food!!