Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Minor Meltdowns

Tonight we had another meltdown festival. I don't know why Brandon fights it so much, but he does. 

After dinner we were playing Mario Party 8. He wanted to play, and even picked out which game he wanted to play. In the middle of the game he turned the Wii off. (Yes, he uses a remote that has power.)

He was then upset because I told him we wouldn't start all over again.  Meltdown #1.

Then I told him it was time for a shower. You would have thought I told him it was time to give away all of his toys.  Meltdown #2.

Then we didn't want to take off our clothes to get in the shower, we didn't want to get in the shower, continued fighting, I don't want to, again and again.

Finally I walked away and Tyler took over.

We got B showered, in a diaper and in bed. No toons, no stories, not even milk. He is now laying quietly in bed as I sit here and type this. I know he is beyond tired, I just don't know why he fights us so much on going to bed. I wish I could go take a nap right now, or even go to bed this early, but you should see the pile of papers I brought home tonight.

Time to go tackle them, and hope this kid goes to sleep soon!

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