Sunday, May 22, 2011

25 weeks...almost 26

What a week!!  Between the craziness of Tyler and I trying to finish out our school years, Tyler's sister Megan got married this weekend!!  It was a blast to be in Omaha for the weekend, and to spend time relaxing with family and new friends!  We had such a blast, despite the weather!

We flew in Thursday afternoon, leaving our classes in the hands of trusted subs.  For those of you who know me, it's hard for me to leave my class.  Luckily I knew I was leaving them in good hands!  When we got into town Tyler's parents picked us up, and then we headed into Lincoln so the boys could pick up their tuxes and the girls could get their nails done.  It was nice to start the weekend off with some pampering.  After we headed to Dan's parent's house for some dinner.  

Despite the fact that we should have been ready to go, Tyler and I were tired, so we headed to our hotel early that evening.  The storm on the way to the hotel was HORRIBLE!!  I thought we were going to die a couple of times on the way there.  Tyler's aunt and uncle were following us, and Tyler's dad did everything he could to not lose them in the storm.  At one point Tyler's dad came up to this car that was going maybe 15 or 20 miles an hour on the highway.  Now, I know it was storming, and if I was driving, I may have been driving that slow as well, but it was almost scary how slow this person was going because they were going to cause an accident.  Right when we got to the hotel we heard this loud crack of lightning.  Later we came to find out, that the lightning had hit Tyler's uncle's car!!  They were almost to the hotel at least, but their car was fried!!  Friday morning they woke up, walked out to the street, and found parts of their antenna!

Friday we got up and headed to the hall to help Megan and Dan decorate.  We set everything up, and then headed off for some lunch.  It was a blast to hang out with Megs and Dan, and meet their friends.  Tyler quickly became friends with this guy named Harlan and they had a great time all weekend!  After lunch Tyler and I went back to the hotel for a quick nap.  It was so nice to be able to rest.  Brandon is starting to take over again, and my rest is not always the best.

Friday night we went to rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner.  The rehearsal dinner was a lot of fun, because they invited friends and family who had come in from out of town.  There I was able to meet some of my Hathaway family.  I was finally able to meet Uncle Mike, Aunt Debbie and cousin Brandie.  It was great to meet them!!

Saturday was a long day, but a blast!!  We headed out to the church around noon so that way the guys could get ready, and we could be there to help Megan get dressed, and take pictures.  Tyler and Megan's aunt took all of the pictures, and I can't wait to see the amazing job that she did!!  The wedding was beautiful, and the reception was a blast!!  Everyone had such a great time, and it was fun to meet more of the Hathaway family.  I was able to meet Uncle Paul, Aunt Sally, and cousins Shannon and Jason.

You may kiss the bride!! 

We have one from our wedding, where Megs has Tyler in a headlock! 

The wedding party! 

Most important men in Meg's life!

Aunt Luanne, Uncle Paul, Aunt Deb and Mom

Today we headed to Lincoln and had lunch with Megan, Dan, mom and dad.  It was nice to see Megan and Dan again before we left, since we weren't able to see everyone else before they left this morning.  After lunch we headed to the airport to come home.  Now we are home, and I am very much looking forward to sleeping in my own bed, with my big body pillow!
We miss them already!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

24 weeks ... almost 25

Things are winding down at school.  Tyler only has 7 days left, and I have 10.  It is amazing how quickly this school year has come to an end, especially with everything else we've got going on here at home.

May 10

For Mother's Day Tyler made me cheesy potatoes for breakfast, and he also bought me a couple of CDs that I wanted.  We weren't going to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day this year, but it's nice to know he knew how special this day was in our lives now.  We then went over to his parent's house, and went to lunch with his mom and dad.  His dad got a job in Seattle, so we know now that we won't be able to see them whenever we want, but we'll have to see when dad is in town.  We'll get to spend a lot of time with them this next week though, as Tyler's sister is getting married on Saturday!

Tyler built the dresser Mother's Day morning!

Brandon has been very active this week.  I was reading on the couch Wednesday night, and Tyler saw him kick me!  It was crazy to see something stick out of my stomach like that!  He still hasn't felt him yet though.  We'll get there, as I'm sure there will be times when he doesn't stop after one or two kicks.  Thursday night as we were driving to bible study I think he was practicing his soccer or kick boxing because he was going at it.

This week was Teacher Appreciation at Tyler's school as well.  When Tyler got to school Monday morning his door was decorated with diapers, and baby stuff, and then his classroom had lots of diapers all over it.  He didn't take a picture for me, but our dining room table was full of stuff that they had left him.  We also got a package from the Votaw/Shaver women this week!!  We love all of you, and appreciate all of the support that you are giving us.  Especially all of the love and prayers that we already know Brandon has!

Teacher Appreciation Presents

From Tyler's "favorite" students.  This cookie was amazing!

Our box from the Votaw/Shaver women!

Friday night we celebrated our friend Liz's birthday!  It was a lot of fun.  First a couple of us went to get pedicures, which always feels amazing!!  Then we had everyone over for a little BBQ dinner at our house. After the girls got ready, we went out for a night down in Old Town.  It was funny to see people's reactions when I walked in, or when they asked if I wanted a drink.  I was wearing black, so it was hard to tell a lot of the time, but to me I feel like I look pregnant.

Girls Night Out!

Yesterday Chelsea and I had the girls over for our swim party.  It was a blast.  The girls that came are amazing, and I love them.  I love all of those fifth grade girls!  We had a blast playing Apples to Apples, swimming, watching Blind Side, eating some pizza and candy, and then we finished by walking down to the park and passing the volleyball around.  Chelsea and I are already planning next year's auction day.

It's going to be a busy two weeks, so I apologize now if you don't get an update until June.  We leave Thursday for Megan's wedding in Nebraska, and don't come back until Sunday evening.  Then we leave Friday evening to go to Nor Cal for Rachel's graduation.  It is an exciting time for our families right now!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

23 weeks . . . or 25 weeks?!

I have always speculated about our due date.  Needless to say I have been looking into it a little bit more.  I have been following a site that tells you how things are going in your pregnancy, and what things you should be experiencing.  I have started to get really tired again, and at first I thought it was just due to the heat.  Then I read that once you enter your seventh month that the tiredness starts to kick in again.  I wasn't so excited for that, because I thought I would make it through May first, now it doesn't seem like that is so. I looked at our ultra sound pictures again too, and there is one picture that has all of the baby's measurements.  I didn't really pay attention the first time, because we were just so excited to see Brandon.  On the picture though, it shows that due to his development, they estimate his due date to be August 24!!  That is a whole week ahead of our estimated due date, and three days before my parents will be here!

No idea what the numbers mean, but up top you can see the differences in our due dates!

Other than thinking about our different due dates, things have been going really well.  Tyler has finished his grad work for now, so he is really excited to be done with that.  We have finished painting Brandon's room too!!  We now have one green wall, and three tan walls.  Next weekend we'll probably put the furniture together to start setting up his room even more!  Plus it will give us some room back in our office so we can start moving other things around.

We love the green!!

We have bought shelving for our garage so that way we can start moving everything out of these two bedrooms that we have expanded into over the last two years.  It's amazing the amount of stuff we have, even though I know Tyler will say it is all my stuff!!  I'm just excited for my mom to come, and bring even more scrapbooking stuff with her so that way we can buckle down and get to work!!  I really want to finish my pregnancy album before Brandon comes, because I know once we get here the next 18 years are going to be a whirlwind!!

Tyler only has 12 days of school left, and I have 15.  We are both excited to start our summer vacations. So far we don't have too much planned, a trip to Orange County and then Tahoe with my family, and a two night stay in Sedona.  We are excited to be able to watch Criminal Minds, and read a lot this summer!!  Thanks to my mom and dad we are the proud owners of the first five seasons of Criminal Minds, so that is how we plan on spending at least a week this summer!  Plus I want to read all of the Harry Potter books again to get ready for our big night out in late July!!  :)

We hope that you all have a great Mother's Day tomorrow, and we both love our moms and all of the moms in our lives so much!  Thank you to all of you who help support us, and pray for us!!  We love you all!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Crazy Coupons

So my friend Katie and I stayed home Friday night, while the boys went to the baseball game, and we watched TLC's new show Extreme Couponing.  We were both inspired, and now we want to be those crazy coupon women.  Granted we will never have stock piles of stuff, we just don't have room in our house, but we both love to get a good deal.  Needless to say, if you read this blog, and want to help us, please mail us your coupons!!  Please go through your coupons and take out what you want first, but if you have coupons left over, please send them our way.  We would love to get really good at this, and if we can, eventually get on the show.  We are not that crazy yet, but we would love to be!!  If you don't already have my address, send me your email and I will send it to you that way.  Hopefully I'll be able to report later what a great job we did!!  Thank you all for your help in this!!