Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Five

1. Excited for a quiet Friday night home. Just finished watching part of The Fox and the Hound with my cuddle bug!!

2. Feeling lots of movement from miss Natalie this week. Glad she's doing well, but hoping for some progress next week!!

3. I love the public library!! Great books for school, and awesome books to borrow for my phone too! Keeps me busy while I'm being monitored.

4. My kids at school keep me entertained with their questions about Natalie. This week they asked if she was a bouncy ball or a watermelon.

5. I love my friends!! Even though we don't all live close together, and soon more are moving away, they are amazing and I don't know what I would do without them!!

Chelsea and I, Teacher's Conference in Vegas! November 2012
Nicole and I, both preggo!  December 2012 
Bree and I, enjoying our Hawaii vacation!  July 2012

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