Sunday, September 11, 2011

DIY - frames

I have been living on Pinterest lately, and have been finding a lot of great ideas that I would like to do in my house.  We have been moving things around, and finding new spaces to put up all of our great photos of B.  In the process of doing this we have moved some frames, and decided we didn't want them any more.  Instead of going out and buying new frames, I decided to give ours an updated look.

I took the old silver frames and decided to paint them using the sample colors left over from B's room.  Then I am going to use these frames to put outside of his room, where I am going to put up pictures of our little monkey.  I'm excited to see how the wall turns out.  For now, here are the frames.
The frames were silver with wedding pictures

 Now they'll be green and khaki with B's pictures

Another pinterest idea I took i decided to hang in our bedroom.  I love this, and decided it would be a great way to affirm each oter.  It was really easy to make too.  Thank you Joann's for the frame, and my Cricut for the words.

1 comment:

bree said...

i love the "i love you because" one! now i want to make one!