Monday, September 26, 2011

Breast feeding, Pumping and Formula

Just a warning, this is a rant about feeding, so if you don't want to read, I totally understand.

Okay, so we all know how important breast milk is, and I totally understand that.  I have/had every intention of breast feeding as long as possible. In my mind it was going to be something that was going to come easy, and I was going to pump when I went back to work, and hopefully we'd have breast milk until he was about one?

Well, we all know that nothing goes according to plan.  Hello, we have a baby, and according to my plan I wouldn't even be pregnant for another year.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love my baby boy, but just saying, nothing goes according to plan.

Needless to say, it didn't work out.  B came three weeks early, and according to EVERYONE, he was too wrong to latch, even though we tried, so we started him on the bottle the day he was born.  I tried to get him to latch, for three weeks I would try every time it was time for him to eat, to get him to latch.  He did latch a couple of times, but never for more than a few seconds.  I tried the football hold, holding him across me, with lots of pillows, lying down in bed, walking around with him, even standing on my head.  Just kidding, I never stood on my head.  :)  He just didn't want to latch, and why would he when he knew that he could have a bottle if he just cried long enough.  Luckily I let my nurse talk me into renting the hospital grade pump, and God bless her for talking my stubborn head into it.  As much as I hated pumping then, I didn't know how amazing that pump was until I had to return it.  We were able to get enough that we were feeding him breast milk about 95% of the time.  I was able to do both sides at once, and be done in about 15 minutes.

Then came our month, and me being cheap, didn't want to pay another $80 for the month, when I had a $150 pump sitting in the house ready to be used.  At least we had a little supply built up, because when I switched pumps I swear my supply plummeted.  I could barely get out two ounces, and I was pumping almost four times as long!!  I only bought the swing, which I thought would be great.  The HUGE downside, is that you can only do one side at a time.  So my 15 minute pumping sessions were turning into 30 minutes to an hour depending on how long I had time to sit there.  Now, imagine doing this six to eight times a day.  I was not a happy camper.  Plus, B is now getting to the point where he isn't really napping during the day. (Thank God, really praise you Jesus, that Grandma will now be here in nine days!!)

I started taking Fenugreek about a week and a half ago.  I was taking two pills, three times a day. By Tuesday, I had to go back to the doctor and my supply had not gone up.  I read about women who had their supply instantly go up. I talked to my doctor about this, and she prescribed something else for me to take.  Now I take that three times a day.  I still haven't seen much of an increase, so we are having to supplement A LOT with formula, and not really getting that much breast milk out.  It seems like I am either feeding B, or pumping.  I try to pump for longer periods to see if that will help, but it really isn't.  I go back to work in three weeks, I can't believe it is already here, and I don't know how much I want to try this once I go back.  I know I am going to be even more stressed once I go back to work, so that isn't going to help.

So, my main point is, I think my baby may be a formula baby by two months old.  I know there are plenty of formula babies out there, for lots of different reasons.  One of our good friends is a formula baby, because they adopted and he is a great baby, and very healthy.  I'm not worried about any of that, the cheap side of me, just wishes I would have saved the $150 and spent it on formula rather than a pump I was going to use for a month!

Thanks for listening to me vent, or if you didn't, and just skipped this entry, good for you!!


Annie West said...

BF didn't come easy for us either, but we suck with it and now we have a very healthy nursing relationship and he is 14 months…but, I do remember feeling like I literally spent every waking minute topless with a baby attached to me! I mean…seriously probably 2/3 of the entire 24 hour period was spent nursing! I know how hard and tiring it is!!! It will get better, I promise! Hang in there mommy!!! PS, I am a HUGE advocate of breastfeeding, like secretly obsessed, but to be honest if I was having to pump all the time, I wouldn't do it...

Annie West said...

hehe, I meant "stuck" with it…funny though!