Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Week Home

We have had quite the experience our first week at home.  We were able to come home from the hospital Friday afternoon, August 12.  We were so excited to come home, I didn't really think about the fact that now we were going to have this little guy all the time with us.  My parents were here until Sunday afternoon, so that was a HUGE help.  We were able to get home Friday afternoon, and I looked around my house amazed at what a mess it was.  I had left stuff half done over the weekend, and Monday morning, because I thought I still had three weeks!  Plus, Tyler's staff had given him all of their gifts while I was in the hospital, so those were all over our living room as well.  I wanted to go straight into cleaning mode, but everyone made me sit.  Tyler, and my parents went through all of the gifts, showing me what we got, and then trying to find homes for them.  After that was done I felt much better, because at least my living room looked livable again.

Saturday we had a pretty relaxing day.  My mom and Tyler went to Shepherd to pick up some things for me, and my parents went grocery shopping for us.  We don't need many groceries because thanks to Katie we have meals being brought to us until September 5!  We are so blessed!  For dinner my dad grilled up some steaks, corn on the cob, and shrimp.  It was amazing!!  Saturday night we played a round of Shanghai while we waited for 10 pm so I could feed Brandon again before bed.

Sunday was a hard day.  I know my parents are coming back again really soon, but it's hard to say goodbye.  Especially now with Brandon here, I really didn't want them to leave.  Sunday morning Tyler had to go to church, so my parents helped me out big time around the house.  My dad cleaned the grill, and moved a curtain rod for us.  My mom swept our floors, and then dusted for us.  They both wanted to help so much, and we really appreciate all that they did!

For lunch some one on Tyler's staff sent him home with some food.  It looked and smelled delicious.  She had made a salad, brownies, risotto, and a chicken dish for us.  I had not eaten chicken since early in pregnancy because I had kept getting sick from it.  I thought I would give it a try, and I didn't get sick.  A couple of hours later though, my dad noticed that I had broken out again.  I had broken out in the hospital as well, but we didn't know why.  Thanks to this awesome lunch, and it really was very tasty, we have come to the conclusion that I may be allergic to chicken.  :(  My mom became allergic to crab after she had me, so I know food allergies aren't that uncommon.

Over the week Tyler and I adjusted to life with Brandon.  We were able to get some stuff done around the house, go out and do some shopping, and have Brandon's pictures taken twice!!  :)  I love pictures, and I'm very excited to have this pictures to put up on our walls!  We made our first shopping trip on Thursday when we headed out to Target.  We wanted to get some things that we hadn't gotten off the registry.  It was quite a good trip.  Saturday we made a trip to Babies R Us as well, because our little guy likes to pee everywhere!!  We bought some more sheets, and I don't think it will be long before we put him to bed in his crib.  I love having him near me at night, but it's easier when I can turn on lights to be able to see him for feedings and changings.  With Tyler going back to work tomorrow, I know it will be easier for him if I take care of that stuff in B's room, instead of our room.

Overall, I would say that we are doing great.  Everyone keeps asking about my recovery, and I feel great.  I don't really have any pain or discomfort from the C section.  Probably the worst part is remembering my bathroom bottle.  Trust me, you don't want to know.  :)  I can go up and down the stairs no problem, even holding Brandon.  I try to limit my trips up and down, but with Tyler going back to work I know I'll be making more.  I went for a walk yesterday too, all by myself!  Tyler kept Brandon at home, and I walked to Walgreens to pick up a print I made for him.  My mom made one for my dad as well, since they both have to go back to work.  I'll probably make myself one, or take a bunch of photos to work with me when it's time as well.

Yummy cookies from cousins Brooke and Dylan, August 16

Enjoying a nap in the boppy, August 16

Taking a family picture, August 19

Playing with mommy, August 20

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