Monday, August 15, 2011

37 - 40 weeks?

Our life has been quite the roller coaster during the past 37 weeks, and this past week and a half was no different.  Saturday, August 6, after I posted I had a really lazy day.  Being at work all week really wore me out, so I took a lot of naps on Saturday.  I also was able to go and have lunch with Liz, which was a blast.  Saturday night Tyler and I went to BJs for dinner, which was super yummy!

On Sunday we went to church, and then we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond.  Tyler needed some more coffee, and we needed an apple cutter since we've been trying to eat healthier.  We went grocery shopping at Sprouts to pick up some produce and the newspaper.  Then we came home and just relaxed all day.  We watched some Criminal Minds, and I took another nap.  It's crazy how much that baby boy made me tired.  (It took Tyler and I about 5 minutes to try and figure out what we did, and this is just our guess, ha ha)

Monday Tyler and I both went into work.  Tyler had a long day at work, as they had Back to School night Monday night, so I knew I was on my own for the night.  After working all day, and meeting almost the rest of my students,  sent Lynda home, and hung out getting a few more things done.  After work I headed over to Old Navy to try and find some more clothes to wear to work for the rest of the month.  I really wanted to find a pair of khaki capris since we got new red polos for this school year.  Since Old Navy didn't have any I went up to Kohls to see if I could find any there, since I had a gift card.  It was getting time for me to eat, so I decided some In N Out would be delicious!!  I got home, ate dinner, and then started watching some high quality TV, Bachelor Pad.

About half an hour into the show I went upstairs to change into PJs and relax for the night.  Well, Brandon had a different idea for the night, because my water broke!!  I am so glad I was upstairs in the bathroom, and not downstairs sitting on the couch any more!  Our couch is a cream/khaki color and that would not have been fun to clean up.  I freaked out a little when my water broke, and actually called my mom to find out what your water breaking was like.  Then I freaked out even more because it was only 7:45, and Tyler wasn't going to be home from work until 9 or 9:30.  Luckily Katie lives right around the corner so I called her and she drove me to the hospital.  The whole way there I was texting Tyler, and everyone I could think of that works with him trying to get a hold of him.  He called me when we were on our way there, and he met us at the hospital.

I had joked about Brandon coming early, but I never expected him to come this early!  I promise I did want to start the school year, and if you ask my sub Lynda, I would have had way more prepared and ready if I didn't think I would be there for the first 8 weeks of the school year!

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