Saturday, August 6, 2011

36 weeks

Tyler and I have both been so busy during the last week, I apologize for this posting being late.  Tyler and I spent our last weekend of summer, last weekend, relaxing and enjoying a good movie.  Last Friday night we went out to see Crazy, Stupid, Love and then went to dinner.  It was nice to be able to go out and have a date night.  Saturday I was able to go get a pedicure with Chelsea, which was a blast.  I love a good pedicure, and it was so nice to have someone rub my swollen feet for me.  :)  Sunday we ran some errands to get some last minute school stuff, and things for around the house.  Overall, a great ending to the summer.

This past week Tyler and I have been at work all week.  We both had to report back on Monday for meetings.  Tyler had meetings all week, where my meetings ended on Wednesday.  I had kids come into the classroom yesterday to start dropping off their school supplies as well.  We are both ready for the school year to start, but I don't think I am ready for how tired I am going to be.  After working in my room all day Thursday, making sure everything was put away and clean for the kids on Friday, I came home and fell asleep before dinner.  Then I woke up to cook dinner, ate, and went back to sleep.  One bad part about this diet, is that I also have to eat a night time snack, so I set my alarm to wake up and eat that as well.  I can't wait for when I can eat when I'm hungry, and not every three hours.  AND when I get to have dessert again!!  I told Tyler that will be my first meal in the hospital, and I don't care what we eat those first couple of weeks, as long as it involves dessert!

I had another doctor appointment Thursday afternoon, and now we begin the weekly appointments.  No progress on baby, other than he is head down, but has been for the past couple of weeks.  I'm not dilated yet, but she said my cervix is softening.  I'm really hoping as I start to go in weekly she starts to tell me I'm dilated a little bit.  We've learned that the first three centimeters take the longest, so if I could do one a week, that would be great!!  I don't think it will happen, but I'm almost willing to try anything to make sure Brandon is here on time!!  A little early would be great too.  :)

Other great news we found out yesterday as well, I have officially completed my master's program!!  :)  I saw my final grades yesterday, so I now officially have my masters!  I was so excited to see that, and know that it is all done!  I told Tyler I kind of want to go back to school again, but I'm sure that will end after Brandon is here and I realize how busy I am!

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