Tuesday, June 28, 2011

31 Weeks

A lot has happened in the past week!  I can't believe how quickly the time is flying!!  Tyler and I are still working hard on getting the house ready for Brandon, and all of our guests that are going to be joining us in the month of July.  We are very excited for the busy month ahead, but at the same time, sad that our summer is already half way over.

Last Wednesday I had another doctor's appointment, and we found out that we graduated.  Now we get to start going to the doctors every two weeks.  That means we go again next week, and then hopefully I'll be able to schedule my appointment after that for when my mom is here.  :)   It would be awesome if she got to go with me, because she hasn't made any appointments yet, and then she can hear his heartbeat too!!  I got a phone call from the doctor today, and found out that I failed the glucose test last week.  That means I get to go in for a three hour test tomorrow!!  I'm oh so excited about that one!!  I had to start fasting at 8:00 tonight, which includes water as well!!  It is really hard to be living in the desert in the middle of the summer, not drinking anything.  Luckily I'm going to go to bed soon, and then hopefully I'll sleep in (at least until 7), so it won't be as bad in the morning.  I know I'll be starving though.  Especially since I ate breakfast at 6:30 yesterday, and 7:00 this morning.  The doctor also told me that I'm anemic, so I had to start taking Iron as well.  For those of you who don't know, I can't swallow, so finding iron in liquid form was hard enough, but then paying for it was even harder.  I got 240 mL for $15, and I have to take 20 mL every day.  Needless to say, I'm going to search the internet for a cheaper price to order the next bottle online tomorrow.  I'm going to take the bottle in that I have and make sure it is okay first.

Other than that, we have just been working hard around the house.  Tyler has been a great help getting everything ready since I'm not supposed to be lifting any thing.  We went to IKEA yesterday to buy my new desk, so now our office is set up with my computer in it.  I still have to finish cleaning out my office though, and moving stuff over.  It will be interesting to see how often we are both working at our computers, but it will be fun for a while to share this space.  I need to be done moving stuff out, or at least cleaning it up A LOT because our first July visitor is coming on Sunday!!

We also cleaned out some stuff from the kitchen.  We went through our spice cabinet, and started throwing stuff away that was outdated.  We also went through our cabinets, and moved some things around to make room for some things my mom is going to be bringing.  We are probably going to be doing Christmas at our house this year, unless they get their house first, so I'm pretty excited that I'll get all of my mom's Christmas china for at least the year!!  We've used this china for Christmas for as long as I can remember!!  I want to get my own stuff too, and I saw some at Khol's last year that I really liked, but I know it wouldn't be the same.

I also decided to redo the picture wall that we have downstairs, along with our bedroom picture wall.  I haven't finished either project yet, but that is what I plan on finishing this week.  I promise to put up pictures of that as soon as it is done as well.  I'm excited for the new pictures that are going to be going up, as some of the ones that we had on the wall were four years old!!  We'll still have some older pictures on the wall, but excited to show off some of the new additions, or adventures we've had with our loved ones!!

We just ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers as I go through testing tomorrow, and Brandon continues to grow.  It is amazing how much more active he is, and how often he is moving around.  I still feel pretty good, so I'm excited about that.  Tyler is finishing basketball camp this week as well, so he is excited that then he'll be able to stay home and relax with me.

Until next week, I hope that you all have a great 4th of July, and be safe!!

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