Thursday, June 23, 2011

30 Weeks . . .

It's crazy to believe that I already only have 10 weeks left before Brandon will be joining this crazy world!!  We had a doctor's appointment yesterday which went well.  We got to see our doctor again because she was off for the last two appointments because she just had a baby.  We also have to register for classes soon, so we have to sign up for those.  We want to do them in July, but because of the dates they are offered I don't think that we'll be able to.  We may end up just doing them through the hospital instead, or waiting until August.

Now that we are back home Tyler is back at work.  He has basketball camp this week, and next week.  Him and one of the fifth grade teachers are running the camp, and this week they have something like 25 kids!!  Next week they only have 12, so they are looking forward to that.  Tyler has also been tutoring this week, and will continue that next week as well.

We have been working hard on getting things cleaned up, and ready here as well.  For the last two nights Tyler has painted the letters that we are going to hang on the wall, as I've been writing thank yous.  We have also started watching Criminal Minds, because my parents got Tyler the complete set for his birthday and we knew we wanted to wait until this summer to watch it!

Other than that, we aren't doing much.  We are just relaxing, and enjoying the fact that it is summer.  It's crazy to think that in a month we'll be going back to work already.  We are excited that we have a lot going on before then!!  In the month of July we'll have two good friends visit, as well as my mom come to visit too!

For those of thinking about visiting, right now on Southwest you can get cheap tickets!!  The only bad part is that you have to buy them by today.  For those coming from Orange County (hint, hint Nicole) they are $40, and those coming from Oakland (hint, hint, EVERYONE ELSE!!) they are only $80.  We would love to see you all, and can't wait to introduce Brandon to everyone!!  :)

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