Thursday, October 6, 2011

Grandma Moves In

We are super excited because Grandma and Grandpa (my mom and dad) are on there way today!!  They drove to Palm Springs last night, and will be here this afternoon.  We know that Grandpa isn't very excited about the end of this trip, because then he will be leaving and Grandma will be staying with us.  We are looking forward to an exciting weekend together though.  We'll be cuddling our sweet babe, eating yummy tacos only my daddy can make, having a grease night (deep fried food, yes please), and of course I'm sure we'll squeeze in some games. My mom and I won't tackle the scrapbooking until he leaves.  :)

Now if only the driving part wouldn't take so long and they could be here already!!  B and I are super excited to spend some time with them before daddy comes back from camp tomorrow afternoon!

Smiling because Grandma spoils him!

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