Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Stuff

Our house is now complete!!  We were lucky enough to be able to buy our house one year ago, thanks to some help from some very special friends.  Due to that, we were able to receive a new refund from the government this year.  With that money, besides saving, we decided to purchase some things for the house that we really wanted!!  Here are our new friends in our home!!

This is what the living room looked like when we took out our old couch.

Now with our new couch, which fit perfect!!

We were also able to purchase some new storage space!

Tyler was really excited about his newest toy!  He was able to buy this with money he received from Christmas presents from his kids at school.  It has come in very handy!

We were also able to finally buy a bedroom set!!  I was so excited to not have to sleep on the ground any more!!  Before our mattress was just on the ground.

We made friends with Greg at JC Penny and he was able to give us a very good deal!  We bought the whole bedroom set, and the couch from him.  Now he sends us cards telling us to come back all the time.  He must think we like to shop!  :D

Our last purchase, and probably our favorite!!

We'll finally have ice!!  Won't have to ask Matt and Katie to bring some down the street any more!!

I just realized Tyler's favorite new purchase isn't in the collection.  We have had this since the day after Thanksgiving, so it's almost not as exciting, even though we have very happy with our new washer and dryer!!

Tyler was so excited to do laundry in these that first weekend.  We sold our old ones to our friends Ben and Allison and ended up in their wedding sermon because of it!!

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