Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Almost Over

Tyler and I had the last week here at the house to try and get things situated.  His mom and dad were in California for a week, so we had the whole house to ourselves!!  We didn't really do as much as we had wanted to, but we did get some things done.  We had Matt and Katie over for dinner twice!!  We figured we needed to entertain them while we could, before we get our house.  I had my first experience of Phoenix rain too.  We had big storms Thursday night.  Tyler was very excited it rained, but it didn't really bother me too much, growing up in the Bay Area for 18 years!!  :D  We watched a couple of movies too!  Tyler brought some home with him from Matt's on Friday, so we had a nice relaxing weekend.  Yesterday he went with me to school to take all of my heavy boxes.  Now I just have the load left in my car.  It's amazing how much stuff I have to go through before the school year ends.  Tyler and I only have two more weeks of summer, and then we are diving into a new school year!!  I still can't find my camera cord, so no photos as of now.  Sorry every one, but hopefully I'll find it before we buy a house.  If not, I'll just have to go buy a new one!!  We sent an email to our relator yesterday, and filled out paperwork for a mortgage, so now we can start house hunting!!  Hopefully our goal of Christmas will work out!!

We miss all of you not here enjoying this journey with us, and can't wait to see you whether it is this fall or not until the holidays!!  Love you guys!!

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