Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Hospital

Brandon and I spent the rest of the week in the hospital.  It was quite a transition going from having a baby in my belly, to now having one on the outside that needed me to take care of him all of the time.  Right after surgery I was really out of it, and don't even really remember a lot of what happened before we came upstairs.  I was having a really hard time moving my legs, as I had a lot of drugs running through my system.  In the beginning I was having a hard time moving my arms as well, as they had given me an extra drug to try and keep my calm during the C section.

After a little while I was feeling better, and we were ready for some visitors.  Katie came by after bible study to check in on us and see how things went.  I am so thankful for her, and that she was willing to stop everything she was doing Monday night to come to my rescue.  If she hadn't answered her phone, or been home, I don't know what I would have done.  I probably would have paced around my house freaking out, waiting for Tyler to get home.

Katie, more than just a neighbor!

Friends from Tyler's work also came to visit us Tuesday night.  Beth and Jason came by to bring Tyler dinner since he hadn't eaten anything since he walked to Starbucks Tuesday morning.  It was a long day for everyone.

Sorry, not a very good picture Jason, we'll have to get another one!

Tuesday night Tyler stayed in the hospital with us, and it was nice just being the three of us.  I was really tired though, and it was hard to make sure we were doing everything.  I thought the nurses would come in and wake us up when I should have been feeding, and I found out the hard way that isn't how it works.  The next night we made sure to set alarms so we knew when we should be getting up.

Wednesday Brandon had his first bath, as well as his hearing screening.  He didn't enjoy the bath very much, but he made it through.  The hearing screening didn't work the first time either, so the lady had to come back and try again on Thursday morning.  When she came back on Thursday he passed with flying colors!

Wednesday we had a lot of visitors.  After school got out Kathy brought by some of my eighth grade girls so that way they could see Brandon, and I could see the girls.  Liz came by when she got off work, and then Anna brought Tyler dinner.  It was amazing to see the people come out, and help us out when we were stuck in the hospital.  Tyler wasn't really stuck, but I for sure was!  Sarah, Andrew, Tracy, Jeremy, Rachel and Kyrie also came by Wednesday night.  It was a blast to have everyone there, and introduce them to our little man.

My eighth grade girls!


We had to make Anna hold him!

Sarah, who took some amazing pictures for us!

Kyrie and Rachel love babies



Andrew was checking him out

Thursday after school Matt came by to visit. Our friend Kris was in town from Idaho, so she was able to come by and see Brandon too! Bonnie came by Thursday night also.  I felt really bad because I fell asleep while she was there.  Wednesday night Brandon didn't sleep very well, as he decided that he wanted to be up at 2 am looking around, and just making noise.  Luckily my mom and I took turns who would hold him for a little while so we could try and get some sleep.  Tyler went home Wednesday and Thursday night to sleep because he went in to work Thursday and Friday for the first two days of school.


Kris, all the way from Idaho

We had to convince Lauren to hold him too!


On Friday morning we had Brandon circumcised so that way it would be taken care of in the hospital.  He handled it like a champ, and came back and slept pretty much for the rest of the day.  I felt bad for him, but I know that he will be healthier now, and he won't remember the pain he was in.  Friday I was excited to go home, so I got out of the hospital bed first thing in the morning, and put my real clothes on.  Then my parents, Tyler's mom, and I just sat around all day.  We had to wait for my doctor to come in and check on me after lunch, and then we had to wait for Tyler to get off work so we could go home!

All smiles!

Ready to go home!

Proud Grandma waiting for daddy so we can go home!

Last family picture in the hospital

The only picture I have of Eleana, my favorite nurse

We were so excited to be going home on Friday, but are very thankful for all of the help that we got in the hospital.    We were blessed with amazing nurses, especially our day time nurses.  We are also very thankful for all of the help from my family, especially that they were willing to fly in as quickly as possible to be here for us.  We are also very blessed by our friends, our family by choice, that came out to support us at the hospital.  We love all of you, and can't wait to share many special memories with Brandon and you!

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