Thursday, October 13, 2011

Last week home

This has been my last week to be a stay at home mommy. I have loved every moment of the past nine and a half weeks, and I can't believe that it is all over.  :(

Tummy time waiting for grandma and grandpa to get here ~ October 6

Check out my cute toes!  ~ October 7

In the past week a lot has happened.  A week ago my mom moved in!!  We are so excited to have grandma here.  My dad came with my mom, and it was great to spend the weekend with them.  We spent a lot of time playing games, moving my mom's stuff in, and of course eating.  My dad makes the best tacos ever, so we had to have him make those before he got on his flight on Sunday.  The boys also watched some comedians, while my mom and I got some stuff done around the house.  It was great just to spend time with grandpa, as he won't be back again until Thanksgiving.  I know it is going to fly by, but I know it must be so hard for my mom and dad.  For those of you who don't know my parents well, they have never been apart in the 26 years they have been married, and they are more in love then any other couple I have ever met.  They are even still VERY affectionate with each other, yes to the point where sometimes I am grossed out as their child.  But to look at their marriage, it is a marriage I could only hope to still have when Tyler and I have been married for 26 years!

Grandpa and Grandma with B

Sunday we celebrated B's two months!! I can't believe he is so big already!!  We of course did another photo shoot, and we took a big family picture as well.  Tyler's parents came over to have a play date with B, and they took him for the afternoon.  So since my dad was here, and they were both here, we took a big family picture of the seven of us!

2 months old!

I love my little guy!

Family picture

Hathaway clan

After my dad left, Tyler had Monday off as well for Columbus Day.  Tyler and I took B to the doctor's office in the morning for his two month check up.  He hasn't grown as much as he had in the past, so now we get to feed him more!  We are up to 5 ounces a feeding now, instead of just four.  He weighed in at 9 pounds, 2 ounces.  Not quite as much as I guessed, not even close.  I thought he would have been up to 10 pounds the way that he was growing before.  I guess he just needs to eat more!! :)  He also had to get his first round of shots.  :(  He wasn't as excited about those, and I was very thankful that Tyler went with me.  Tyler held him, so that way I didn't have to.

During the week I have had volleyball practice. I had practice Monday and Wednesday.  My girls are looking good, and I am excited about the season.  We have our first game this afternoon, so we'll see how we do.  I have confidence in them, and they have confidence in themselves, so we'll see how it comes out on the court.

My mom and I have also been doing a lot around the house.  My pregnancy album is officially finished!!  We added the extra page protectors, and put in the extra posts to bind the album.  We even started working on B's album, and we are almost done with his week at the hospital!  I can't believe we've almost used 50 pictures in that first week though!  Crazy how many pictures we have of our little bundle of joy!

Thank you all for your continued support, and words of wisdom as we have started this journey with our precious baby boy.  I apologize in advance in my blogging starts to taper off.  Going back to work tomorrow is going to be a hard transition for me, and I know every chance I get at home I'm going to want to spend with my new little family.  I will keep you all updated though, but ask for your prayers as I go back to work.

Supporting Aunt Megan

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Grandma Moves In

We are super excited because Grandma and Grandpa (my mom and dad) are on there way today!!  They drove to Palm Springs last night, and will be here this afternoon.  We know that Grandpa isn't very excited about the end of this trip, because then he will be leaving and Grandma will be staying with us.  We are looking forward to an exciting weekend together though.  We'll be cuddling our sweet babe, eating yummy tacos only my daddy can make, having a grease night (deep fried food, yes please), and of course I'm sure we'll squeeze in some games. My mom and I won't tackle the scrapbooking until he leaves.  :)

Now if only the driving part wouldn't take so long and they could be here already!!  B and I are super excited to spend some time with them before daddy comes back from camp tomorrow afternoon!

Smiling because Grandma spoils him!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Last Week Alone

This was our last week B and I had to spend the week alone, because next week, GRANDMA MOVES IN!!  :)  If you can't tell, I am a little excited!!  :)

Anyways, B and I had a great week!  We spent the week sleeping a lot, so I think that he is growing!!  Due to the fact that he slept so much, I was able to get a lot done around the house.  I was able to clean up downstairs a lot, which was nice.  I also was able to put out all of my fall and Halloween decorations.  I love the holidays, and am even more excited that it is already October 1!  That means only a month and a half left until Thanksgiving, and then I get to take out my Christmas decorations!!  Plus my mom will be here this year, so she will be able to help me put everything up, and bake!

Our beautiful china hutch, with "new" wedding pictures above

Our fireplace.  Would look much more fallish if there was a fire in there!

Our downstairs bathroom

I also started volleyball this week, which was a lot more tiring then I thought it would be.  Luckily it wasn't too hot out, which was nice.  I only have 12 girls this year, which will make rotating in a lot easier.  Last year I had 15, and that was hard to make sure everyone had enough playing time.  There were some games when girls didn't get to play very much because the game just went too quick!

Brandon did some tummy time this week, and I was able to take some video.  He couldn't decide if he liked his knees in or out more, so he kept kicking them in and out.  It was really funny to watch, especially since he was making silly faces too.  As soon as I figure out how to get the video to my computer, and then on here, I will make sure to upload some video for you all!!  Until then, enjoy these pictures of us!

Tummy Time, Sept. 29

Onesie from Aunt Megan and Uncle Dan
"If you think I'm handsome you should see my Daddy"

At bible study I decided we needed a picture of all the kids too.  We don't have very many pictures of us adults, so I figured I should start early with the kids so that way we have them to look back at.  It was perfect too, because we were celebrating Kyrie's birthday. She just turned 3 yesterday!

Brandon, 7 weeks ~ Kyrie, 3 years ~ Caleb, 7 months

The last project I finished around the house this week was my DIY picture frame wall.  I love these pictures, and was so excited to put them up!!  Tyler just left for the ASU game, so I hope he enjoys them as much as I do when he gets home.  He won't, but it's nice to pretend he might!

Some of my favorite pictures by Oh Snap! Photography